XBox Update: Streak is Over
Well my XBox daily achievement streak is over. It was a 56 day achievement stream that ended on June 21st, 2019. I’m disappointed it’s over. I was going to the cottage in the beginning of July and even though the internet there is 56k levels at best, I was still prepared for it thanks to […]
Xbox Update: Streak Going Strong
Last time out I finished up Lego Marvel. Still in the comic book mode, I went with Batman Arkham Knight next. Unfortunately I have barely scraped the surface with the game. I’m enjoying it for the most part but not fully hooked yet. I was also on a trip to Vegas last weekend. So I […]
XBox Update: Lets Go Lego!
With Avengers: End Game coming out, my son came up with the idea of doing a Marvel Movie Marathon. While not the biggest comic book movie fan I figured ah what the hell. I’m glad I did it as it changed my opinion a lot. It also made Civil war and Infinity War much better […]
XBox Update: Crackdown = CrackDONE
Hey lookit that – I actually started a game then finished it all within a reasonable timeframe! Unlike the 3 months it took me to beat Far Cry Primal, this one took me…yikes, still feels like a fairly long time. The 27th of April I started it, the 6th of May I finished it. So […]
Xbox Update: Far Cry Primal Beaten
I haven’t been forgetting to update here – I just haven’t played enough Xbox to actually post updates lol. I ended up not playing anything for awhile after Brave. Then I got into Far Cry Primal. To show how bad my time has been for games – I started that on February 19th and I […]