Well, at least I got some things accomplished today…
…but christ, I really really suck when “forced” to write content. I’m soneone that finds it very hard to sit down and say “Okay, I’m going to write a topic on this”. I generally have to be inspired or motivated to write something, otherwise it ends up being a very slow process, and often poorly […]
My dad – he asks for advice…
…but he never fucking listens to it. Worse, he does the opposite of what I say. Just over the past year, we’ve had the following conversations: “Hey I need a new monitor. Is this one at Best Buy for $259 good?” “Not really. Here’s one at NCIX for just $229 that is actually better.” An […]
Well, the NPP Server Disaster #6 is now pretty much over, and everything is almost reuploaded to its new location – thank fuck for that. I swear that site is cursed – dating back to the second I hired Cubsfan328 as a fucking moderator. Seriously – just so many goddamn problems. Hopefully this is the […]
Still getting caught up / Fun website building story!
With my mum being over as well as the Niagara & Barcelona trips I really fell behind with everything I have to do, so I am fucking swamped at the moment. I’ve got my just general to do list which has some general stuff like call Samsung asking where my new monitors are to some […]
Christ, was that a nailbiting finish to the game or not? The Colts dramatic comeback coincided with my biggest bet of the NFL season, on Colts -3 and I was sweating like a motherfucker. With 4 minutes left and Texans in possession I was praying that for once in his life Manning could pull a […]