Well today sucked, as I didn’t receive Saints Row 2, and I must’ve checked the mailbox about 600 times. Being slightly hungover I wasn’t really in the mood for work either, so I played a bit of Tiger Woods, and then watched some of the movie Crank. Decent movie, but I stopped it after 30 […]
Whew – FSM Column #2 done
Well, I finally finished my Fighting Spirit Magazine second column, and it is a fun one as I rip into MMA being fake, as well as take those MMA elitist cunts to task – you know the cunts, the ones that will rip into the likes of Kimbo Slice over and over. The article is […]
Sunday was just one of those shitty days…
…but Monday was a lot better. Seriously – Sunday was just a shitty day all round. I woke up late, which I hate. I then had to go to the family thanksgiving dinner, which I also hate. Then the Skins lost to a last second field goal which cost me my place in the suicide […]
Well, today was quite the busy day. First up, I have a friend who about three years ago got into religion in a big way. She’s a hardcore Christian, and has since started pushing it on others, especially me. One day it got really bad, and I told her that she was an annoying, nauseating […]
Jesus Christ…
So I decided to have a relaxing Friday morning. I went for breakfast with my dad, then afterwards went for a walk downtown. I went to the library to pick up some books, relaxed and had a tea on a patio, then went for a haircut. Yep, just a nice relaxing day… …up until my […]