Dead Space
I’m putting the title of the XBox 360 game Dead Space as the subject of this entry because really – that’s all I fucking did today. I did some much needed work in the morning, but about 11am I ended up sitting down to have a session at Dead Space, where I played pretty much […]
Had a long day today. Up at 6am, and worked solidly until 1pm, at which point we drove out to my dads(about 45 minutes away). We took the toboggans and went down big motherfucking hills. I wore my sneakers because I’m an idiot, and with no grip I fell on my ass many, many times. […]
So sweet.
Today I was at yet another family function – everyone here knows how much I hate these. This one was particularly entertaining though, as my 8 year old nephew, who gets diagnosed with ADD and all that nonsense on a weekly basis, decided to have a major freak out. Bear in mind he’s 8 years […]
Whew, done for the night!
Well I am finally done for the night. I didn’t get some stuff done that I wanted, but I got the majority of it. It’s been a busy day, and I beat two chapters on Dead Space. I did a lot of work, dealt with all e-mails, and also did a bunch of huge updates […]
Back to the “Grind”
Well today is my first day where I actually want to focus a lot more on getting back to work. I’m wanting to work on a schedule where I go to bed at 10pm, wake up at 6am and work solidly until 2pm, before finishing for the day. However I have to take it bit […]