Detective Hamrick makes a return
I hate ebay. I mean, I really fucking hate it. They’ve made improvements in their time, but there’s still so many problems, so many scummy sellers out there. Ones who pray on the innocent, the people that see an item at “$5.50” and assume shipping is going to be regular shipping – not $26.50 to ship an item two cities over.
So it’s nice when I get a chance to get some revenge on these fuckers.
Janise ordered an item back in August from a seller – some kids webkinz toy or something. Dude lives in Oklahoma. He never sent the item, then gave bullshit excuse after bullshit excuse – his mother was in the hospital, his mother died etc etc. What was worse was he finally sent the item, but it got returned – and rather than you know – send it again – he’s decided to ignore e-mails for the last couple of months now. He basically managed to bullshit Janise long enough so that he was able to get by the Paypal 45 day dispute time, and the ebay one. Dude now thinks he’s got off scot-free.
Fuck that.
The item is only worth $30, but man it’s a matter of principle. And really – it’s not too hard. This person, who signed up behind what is basically an anonymous e-mail address and kept their details all private, is private no longer. I have their name, their relatives names, all their phone numbers, their addresses – I even know where they work.
Time to go to work!