Fun at the dentist

Posted by Scotsman on February 5, 2009 in Life |

Well my morning and afternoon were totally gone as I had to go to the dentist for part 1 of 2 in getting a bridge done in my upper left area.  I had bad experiences with the dentist as a kid, so I can only go to the dentist now when they prescribe me valium beforehand.  That made it a lot easier, as I was spaced the fuck out and while they’re drilling away I’m just sitting there laughing while listening to my Ipod.  Good times.  The bill of almost $4,000 wasn’t exactly “good times”, but again the valium made it easier.  I think I should just be on valium 24/7 – it would make life a hell of a lot more fun.

I haven’t managed to do much work today unfortunately due to that, but tomorrow I’ll be getting up bright and early and working on a lot of stuff.  For the rest of the night – well I’m going to try and eat something because I am fucking starving.  I have to be careful though as I basically have plastic temporary teeth in the area where the bridge will go, and they can come out really easy.  I think I’m going to retire to bed early, and watch Two and a Half Men.

My Buy DVDs for Sales site is going great, and I know I missed some updates on that but will have a full update on Sunday, then hopefully we can return to regular weekly updates.

Okay – off to lie in bed and watch Two and a Half Men in my drug-induced haze.

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