Slap Bet
Was just phenomenal. What a fucking episode. Best HIMYM episode I’ve seen yet.
Onto other news – ah, the curse of being a writer slash webmaster. I was all set to get into a proper sleeping schedule after going to bed at a good time last night, and waking up at a good time today. So we were watching How I Met Your Mother just before bed – when an article idea hit me. At first I started jotting down notes – but as I wrote down the notes, the article started to become more clearer in my head. So I had to run downstairs, grab the laptop and type it all up. About 1900 words later, I had to proofread it, do some editing, get others to proofread it, post it on my site, do some edits, submit it via my mailing list to affiliates, update my signature on affiliate forums to mention this new article, then post on affiliate forums to get people to click and read.
Wheee. Started that at what – 11:30pm, and it’s now 3:30am. I’m very happy with the article though – it’s entitled: The Best Advice You Will Ever Get.