
Posted by Scotsman on October 5, 2008 in Life |

Well, didn’t manage to get any work done tonight unfortunately.  My laptop died(weird error I keep getting – probably gonna have to send it in to get fixed), and so I wasn’t able to do anything on it.  So I just watched EliteXC, and then was in the mood for some 360, so decided to try out Splinter Cell: Double Agent

Splinter Cell is not too bad a game – I only played the first two levels but there were pretty fun, and not as “OMG TRIAL AND ERROR” evil as the first game in the series.  Looking forward to going through that, and hopefully adding that to the list of completed games in the achievement challenge.

As for EliteXC – Wow.  Everyone knew that Kimbo was a joke for the most part, but that was just downright embarassing for the company.  As someone who wants to see MMA prosper business wise I really hated that, although I did bet on his opponent so I made the moolah there.  Still, Kimbo wins 8 out of 10 times there, and it is a shame that the 2 out of 10 times happened, and could spell the end of yet another MMA company.

Off to bed now, and up hopefully somewhat early as I’ve got a lot to do tomorrow with work, laundry and making some vegetarian chilli!

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