My TV viewing is all over the place at the moment…
…as am I.
Very busy at the moment, lots of projects I am working on that require my full attention, so I’m pretty much all over the place trying to get things done. Thankfully I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and a couple of weeks of hard work and I’ll be able to take December off.
Along with being all over the place with all my work, I’m all over the place with watching TV shows. I’m behind on all the new ones, I have at least one Office and two Criminal Minds still on the PVR, have only watched one episode of Dexter S3 etc. I’m still stuck on Mad About You season 5, not watched any NCIS in awhile, and for some reason decided to watch King of Queens again and blasted through season 1 over a couple of nights, and I’m currently trying to get caught up on the Simpsons, a show I pretty much gave up watching around season 9. I’m just about finished season 11 at the moment. Also still waiting for Janise to get caught up with How I Met Your Mother so I can move onto season 2.
As crazy as it sounds, I think I am going to have to start looking at TV viewing as “work”, focus on one show and be strict with it, before jumping to another show etc. Because I’ve just got fucking tons of TV shows and they’re piling up.
Anyway – lots of stuff to write, but I’ve got work to do. More later!