XBox Update: September 2024

Posted by Scotsman on September 2, 2024 in XBox |

I was traveling in the UK for half of September so I was primarily focused on games I could play via the cloud / my laptop or phone.

Was mostly The Case of the Golden Idol, and some of Ark: SurvivaL Asecended while there.

Since coming home just a mix I’ve actually got into Halo Wars: Definitive Edition and working my way through that.

I also completed the game Tech Glitch which was actually quite fun even if easy.

This month will be doing the TA Alphabet Challenge, their other challenges, and Halo Wars.

Gamerscore: 383,475 (+2000)
TA Score: 651,480 (+3427)
Achievements: 15578 (+70)
TA Ratio: 57.27% (+0.06)
100% Games: 156 (+1 – Tech Glitch)

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