XBox Update: February 2023

Posted by Scotsman on February 28, 2023 in XBox |

February was a mixed bag. Still so busy with my new website. True Achievements did a Relay challenge though that I started going with my buddy where you have to get an achievement in a different game in a same genre.

Also Madden 21 leaving Gamepass so had to get to that. Here’s my February where I was able to keep my achievement streak alive:

Iris Fall: Wrapped up this little puzzle game, 1king it. A lot of fun.

My Friend Peppa Pig: I was traveling. I needed a quick game on PC Gamepass to get achievements in to keep the streak going. Don’t judge me.

Road Rage: Been playing a bunch of this. I played it for the relay challenge and have got hooked on it. Now at 25/33 achievements and will wrap it up next month.

Madden 21: 1ked it.

Marvel Puzzle Quest: Forgot I owned this. I LOVE Match 3 games. Frozen Free Fall I had so much fun with on the Xbox. 6/12 achievements in this I play about 20 mins a day on it. Will probs wrap it up in March too.

That was basically it. I also got an achievement in the following games for the relay: Ryse, Rage 2, American Fugitive, Battletoads, Sega Mega Drive Classics, Letter Quest, Worms Battlegrounds, Plague Inc, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, SLeeping Dogs, Retromania, Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed.

Gamerscore: 328,123 (+3575)
TA Score: 560,004 (+6884)
Achievements: 13,703 (+89)
TA Ratio: 55.63% (+0.24%)
100% Games: 132 (+2)

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